Whew! You had us worried my friend. I'm glad you are okay. Thanks for the update!!
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.
i am having a complete mental breakdown.. my nerve endings on the right side of my body are burning all the time.
i can't face the stress and the pain.. i can't sleep, i can't rest.
i can't think.. i don't know what to do.. please help me.. joel
Whew! You had us worried my friend. I'm glad you are okay. Thanks for the update!!
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.
...some ancient wisdom this way comes?
pulling over from another thread.... i'm curious how many have dabbled in witchcraft/spiritism after leaving the jws.
or, perhaps, before joining.. i'm curious what experiences have been had.
I have to catch up...
Anyway, after reading all the posts by gsx and seedy3, I have to say that I mostly agree with them. I guess some witches will come out of the 'broom closet' afterall. Those that I know will not talk about it unless you also have an ability. Apparently I do. I am currently developing my intuitive visualisation and mental ability.
I never told anyone when I was growing up, b/c of the JW thing, that I know whether or not something will happen based on whether I can 'see' it or not. I guess you could call it a 'sense'. For example, if plans are made and I can 'see' it happen in my minds eye then 99% of the time it happens. If I can't 'see' it then it doesn't happen. For a while I wondered if the demons were playing with me...I was a dub so what other explanation could there be. As I got older I just resigned myself to know that I had this ability and didn't ever tell anyone.
I have the ability to sense a presence in a room...especially if it is a troublesome spirit. The 'possessed person' that I mentioned in my earlier post was a troublesome spirit. He came out of nowhere and sat talking with my mother one night while I was at the KH. When I came home the apartment felt different and he suddenly had to leave - as though my presence bothered him. This was the first time I realized I could sense spirits...I had felt it before but couldn't identify the feeling. Anyway, he had convinced my mother to put cigarette burns in her arm (7 of them) and told her that she had to drink blood within 7 days or I would die. My mother told me that my picture had fallen off the wall as soon as he said this. The only way she knew how to protect me was to send me to live with JWs.
I believe that my mother had strong abilities but had such dark energy that she was forbidden to use them. The witches that I know have seen her picture and describe the feeling they get as a 'black hole' and one said that she got the creeps...I hadn't told them who they were looking at in the picture. It has been said that I have a 'protective spirit' or ghost if you will.
Enough of my rambling....for now.
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.
i am having a complete mental breakdown.. my nerve endings on the right side of my body are burning all the time.
i can't face the stress and the pain.. i can't sleep, i can't rest.
i can't think.. i don't know what to do.. please help me.. joel
I'm not a doctor so I can't say what's wrong...but it sounds (obviously) like an anxiety attack. I take really good meds for that myself. How are you now?? Your original post was hours ago. Call a friend, doctor, somebody. Do what you need to do to get through this! We're here for you buddy! Email me if you want to and we can talk on the phone. I've come to love you on this forum in just a month...esp since we are family. YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO THRU THIS ALONE!
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.
...some ancient wisdom this way comes?
pulling over from another thread.... i'm curious how many have dabbled in witchcraft/spiritism after leaving the jws.
or, perhaps, before joining.. i'm curious what experiences have been had.
I have seen 'demons'...twice. Actually one was what the WTS would call a demon possessed person. According to my mother a demon talked through my voice once. I had a cousin that was a Satan worshiper. The JWs thought my mother 'had demons.' I was even talked into getting rid of her ashes after I had her cremated...a move I desperately regret now.
I will say this, if there are witches among us, they won't tell you. It isn't something they talk about.
I suggest you go to the library or a bookstore (Borders, Half Price Books, etc) and look in their occult sections. You will find many books on the subjects of witchcraft, tarot, spiritism, etc. Be careful what you read, some of it is bogus. Feel free to email me if you want other info.
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.
"i pronounce you husband and wife.. you may now shake hands.".
"you say you're a sister and.
yet you are wearing a pant suit?!?".
Good one! You can stay!
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.
i sure hope this is satire, because if it's real, it would be very scary knowing people like this are around.
the dubs are bad enough!.
love, scully.
I had the misfortune of being sent to an all girls catholic high school. (All girls...hmm, okay, it wasn't so bad after all ) Anyway, there was a shirt I always wanted to buy and wear to school on casual days. I esp wanted the nuns to read it.
All black shirt with teeny-tiny white writing that said:
"Nosey little fucker aren't you?"
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.
two prostitutes were riding around town with a sign on top of their car which said: "two prostitutes -- $50.00.".
a policeman, seeing the sign, stopped them and told them they'd either have to remove the sign or go to jail.
just at that time, another car passed with a sign saying: "jesus saves.".
Good one!!
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.
i just discovered this place tonight.
i've been out of the "truth" (haha) for about 12 years and had no idea there were such places like this.
i'm sure that this could have helped me through my 5 year post df depression.
Welcome GSX!!
I can agree that life has improved since leaving the bOrganization. I am so much happier. Life is good. I am blessed to have found this group so soon after being kicked out. It has helped me move on with my life. Glad to have you aboard!
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.
it occurred to me that perhaps one of the differences between a catholic confession(s) and a jw confession before an elder(s)is that the priest tries to figure out what's appropriate for forgiveness, whereas the elder(s) try to figure out what's appropriate for punishment.
forgiveness versus punishment.
would you say that's a relatively accurate assessment?.
I hate to sound like a troll, mainly b/c I don't want to defend the JWs. But the other reason for JW confession is to find a solution to the error of the 'sinner's' ways. To build up spiritually so to speak so that the 'sin' isn't committed again.
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.
i have recently started to read the series of books by tim lahaye and jerry b. jankins - its the "left behind" series of books...based loosly on the time period after the rapture... any one else ever read them?.
Not I.
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.